Turbulent Astroplasma Replicator Accessories

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The TARA simulation architechture is a multi-dimensional pseudo-spectral solver for weakly compressible and incompressible magneto-hydrodynamic flows. TARA is flexible for adding higher order fluid-moment equations with minimal computational overhead. This framework runs efficiently on GPU architechture. In addition, the performance scales efficiently under MPI on massively parallel shared- or distributed-memory computers.

The TARA simulation framework have been used for many different applications in astrophysical studies as well as terrestrial laboratory plasma simulations.

Sample Movie-1 / Sample Movie-2 / Sample Movie-3 / Sample Movie-4

Installing TARA

A list of prerequisites for running TARA.

A step-by-step installation guide for installing TARA.

User Manual

  • TARA user manual can be found HERE


Visualization Toolkits

Publications and Dissertations

  • A complete list of publications and dissertations.


  • A complete list of conference presentations.

Developer Notes